Wednesday, March 31, 2010

beyond the brown bangle

Lima is cool. Rafts that seem to appear out of nowhere! Kids staring at all my camera gear as if I'm some kind of God!!

Geoff (German) always with a backup plan.

Alan got the faggot lifevest...fucker.

People eating what looks and smells like shit but tastes so good I almost feel like I'm back having brunch on Chapel...

The most difficult thing to do here is flush the toilet.

This guy just watched me take a dump.

Back in 5 star accom (relief city) I taught Marco the essential Aussie dancemove i.e. the lunge...dude fucken milked it!

Got a great shot of Dennis (originally from Mooroolbark just 5kms from Melbourne!)

Shit just continued to get wild...Pierre was just off the chain!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Pegs, etc

A lot of the time, you’ll find me on this blog talking adventure. Today, im gonna talk sleep (yawn).

Unfortunately, everyone needs some of it. Even me! I’ve had the luxury of many years of experience when it comes to cutting down the dreaded down time, so im pretty comfortable with my 5.237 hours (give or take) a day.

Anyway, the real reason for the post it to offer a little advice on accommodation when you're out there.

Please don't use a one-manner like this one around me:

You'll literally look like a knob.

It can be useful to adjust to you surroundings using the peeping tom method:

Sometimes for the newbies, getting to learn the local sounds from the safety of your nylon home for 8 hours or so can have its benefits (PS, tapped the one on the right).

Me? I don't do a full tent anymore. Too restrictive, plus the warranty usually doesn’t cover broken poles or bear slashes.

This way, I’m up and running faster than you can say “abseil”.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hi all,

An avid reader of this blog has kindly sent in a caricature of a backpacker for our amusement!

Thanks again xrogainingx!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lyrical Wax

Here's a short piece on how I feel about adventure as a hobby in general:

"There's a story here. It's about the places you can go, the story you are working on all the time. Everything counts. The story doesn't care who tells it."

What I really mean is, get in a Kayak at any opportunity you can, even at your niece's swimming lesson!